
Jaya One, Petaling Jaya

Fairuz described this look as his 'marketplace look'. He made this t-shirt on his own, bought his pants at Chow Kit Road and that's his dad's vintage briefcase, turned into a laptop bag. Fairuz is 29 years old and he specializes in videographics. I saw him walking from afar and knew that I had to photograph him. This whole ensemble just screams 'modern day hipster' to me! Very boho and he wasn't even trying! 


  1. I kinda like his glasses and his messy hair! hehe

  2. goodness! i saw him in penang last weekend. he was one of the people who did video project mapping in penang at suffolk house. i thought he was chinese! i think the guy has a thing for stripes because for 2 days in a row, i saw him wearing stripey shirts ;)
